A Wedge Wedding
On April 15th 2006 at 9am, well nearly 10 (the bride is supposed to be late!), a Wedge Girl’s wedding took place on the point on a perfect Wedge day.
The wedding started a week before, spending my last bachelorette days with my Wedge friends. Every part of the wedding came together by all of my friends. I had late nights at deckies shacks arranging my table placements. Mid day runs along the beach to collect gold fish from Lancelin for the centre pieces. (Lance wonders why I said he had to take it easy on the way home because of the fish, when we got to Wedge and lifted the lid of the bucket he got it- live fish Lance, not fish fillets!).
My father the jack of all trades built a cool room for the wedding. This was a pre-Indian Drive wedding so there was no bringing in rental cooling! All the food was cooked in the Hollow Log’s crematorium aka Flea’s pizza oven. The bridal cars were courtesy Brett and Phil of Container Refrigeration- two stylish Barbie and Ken clad F trucks.
Then there were also the unplanned things that brought tears to my eyes on the day. There was an aisle raked out and lined on the point when I arrived. There were mass rose petals coming from everywhere.
The beach ceremony involved a decent sized wedding party. My Wedge male friends gave me away along with my father. I said wear a white shirt and black pants- thinking they would rock up in bintang singlet’s and billabong boardies; I was stunned when they all rocked up to the Hollow Log in their finest!
The reception was 100 odd people sit down for lunch in the Gun Club which had recently had the additions of the dance floor and verandas. A visit to the beach and then in the evening the rest of the crew came along for drinks and dinner.
The guest list was made up of friends and family from all over WA. Most importantly there were people there from Wedge that had watched me grow up. All my aunties and uncles were there, all my extended Wedge family.
There are so many other things that happened that day which made it the most amazing day of my life. Wedge was always the place I was going to get married and I can say I am one of the few that accomplished it before the Indian Ocean Drive. I am sure that there will now be many more weddings at Wedge and who would blame them!