A Quick Search Was Undertaken
It was one of those magic Saturday mornings at Wedge, warm and calm, with all the kids from surrounding shacks out exploring and making contact with their neighbours’ offspring.
This was the case with Greg & Pat Greens three boys and our two sons Greg & Matthew. What better place to have fun, especially hide and seek. The game was well under way and the kids were scuttling around the bush seeking the optimum cover. One of the Green boys Luke had the misfortune to cut his foot on a broken bottle. The shock the pain and copious flow of blood panicked the lad.
At this point in time a rather hung over Wedge identity Eddie Felcman ( Laughing Eddie dec) was making his way down to have a swim to clear the remaining cobwebs after a full night of frivolity .
At that moment out of the dunes came the panicked lad. Eddie stopped ,assessed the problem, took off his singlet, bound the foot to staunch the blood and then made a dash for the Silver Chain in Lancelin.( this previous to the building of the Pie Shop)
In the meantime the others realised that Luke was missing and reported to Mum & Dad. A quick search was undertaken with no sign of the boy. Immediately the word was out and a big search party was mobilised. The plan was to start at where the Big Cutting is now and work back north. Just as the search party were about to deploy, down the beach came Eddie with Luke sitting up with his damaged foot stitched and bandaged and obviously enjoying the trip along the beach.
Obviously there can be some criticism for Eddies action for not telling the parents first. However it does exemplify the co –operation and willingness of the Wedge community to help each other in times of stress.
Wedge Story by: Ross Robinson